Vaudeville Ventriloquist

Vaudeville Ventriloquist
Product Information
Ventriloquism is an act in which a person creates the illusion that their voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteered prop, known as a "dummy". The act of ventriloquism is ventriloquizing, and the ability to do so is commonly called in English the ability to "throw" one's voice.
Ventriloquism as entertainment happened in the eighteenth century at the traveling funfairs and market towns. By the late 18th century, ventriloquist performances were an established form of entertainment in England, although most performers threw their voice to make it appear that it emanated from far away, rather than the modern method of using a puppet.
Here you will receive one miniature sculpture of a Vaudeville Ventriloquist.
Artist: Toy Box Army
Material: Pewter