Chang and Eng Carnival Sideshow Siamese Twins
Chang and Eng Carnival Sideshow Siamese Twins
Product Information
Based on the original "Siamese Twins" Chang/Eng of Carnival Sideshow fame.
(May 11, 1811 – January 17, 1874) Chang and Eng Bunker were Siamese-American conjoined twin brothers whose fame propelled the expression "Siamese twins" to become synonymous for conjoined twins in general. They were widely exhibited as curiosities and were "two of the nineteenth century's most studied human beings".
The Twins were born with Chinese ancestry in what is now known as Thailand. Doctors inspected them as they became known to Western audiences in "freak shows". Newspapers and the public were initially sympathetic to them, and within three years they left the control of their managers, who they believed were cheating them, and then they toured on their own. In early shows, appeared exotic and displayed their strength; they later held English conversations in a more dignified parlor setting.
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